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Handover of the Council of the EU Presidency from Hungary to Poland

On 17 December, in Budapest, Hungary officially handed over the Presidency of the Council Working Party on Statistics to Poland.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of Eurostat, Spain, Belgium, Hungary and the next trio of Poland, Denmark and Cyprus.

The outgoing trio shared valuable insights and summarized lessons learned during their presidencies. Poland presented their presidency plans with a view to the collaboration of their trio.

The Hungarian Presidency team would like to thank the kind cooperation of the Member States and Eurostat, and wishes a fruitful time for the incoming Polish presidency.

Dr. Áron Kincses, President of the HCSO, hands over the baton Group photo of participants Snapshot of the meeting Ms Eszter Nagy (HCSO), Dr. Áron Kincses (President of the HCSO), Ms Mariana Kotzeva (Director-General of Eurostat)