Agreement reached in the second political trilogue on LMB file
On 12 December 2024, the second political trilogue of the LMB file took place in Brussels at the premises of the Council of the European Union, hosted by H.E. Katalin Molnár Deputy Permanent Representative.
After the 21 November first political trilogue and the following technical meetings on 22, 29 November and 2 December, the negotiating teams of the Council and the Parliament reached a provisional agreement in the second trilogue.
The meeting started with the welcoming words of H.E. Katalin Molnár, Mr Damian Boeselager, ECON Vice-Chair and Ms Irene Tinagli, ECON Rapporteur. Ms Mariana Kotzeva, Director-General of Eurostat also welcomed the progress made on the file. After the endorsement of work at technical level, the negotiators exchanged views on the remaining key political provisions. The one-and-a-half-hour meeting was successfully concluded, an agreement was reached and the subsequent technical meeting was dedicated to fine-tuning the text.
The final compromise text received unanimous support from Member States at the Coreper meeting on 18 December, allowing an early second reading agreement with the European Parliament.